TRX Certified 2014
Strong First Barbell Course 2014
UKB Cardio Kickboxing Certified 2013
HKC- Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification 2013
Group Instruction: Cardio Kickboxing, Sculpt, TRX,Kettlebells
Martha Gates
How I got into fitness:
My youngest daughter was taking jiu-jitsu at UKB before Monique took over ownership. I would watch the AKB classes in amazement. It looked like so much fun, but I was a bit intimidated. My only experience was Tae-Bo in my living room. Monique and her husband both encouraged me repeatedly to try a class. I finally took my first class with Monique and the rest is history. Nine years later, I can't image being anywhere else. Although my "day-job" is being a special education teacher, I am privileged to workout, as well as train and instruct others in their fitness journeys at UKB. What could be better?
Why UKB?
I have the utmost respect for Monique LaFontaine-Tomaso. Her commitment to training excellence (certifications required for all instructors) in the safest environment possible is admirable. I believe that every single instructor at UKB shares the same desire. The bar is set and held high!